Saturday, July 12, 2008

My sincerest apologies

To Nick and Kate, who had the two Mai Tais I made last night. At least, I thought they were Mai Tais at the time. Only this morning did I realize that I accidentally poured from the bottle of falernum instead of orgeat. Those were most decidedly NOT Mai Tais. Oops. Probably a little on the tart side, too.

I'll make you real Mai Tais to make it up to you sometime. Or bacon bourbon Manhattans. Yeah, bacon bourbon.


naechstehaltestelle said...

I liked the gin and tonic you made me! I'll take the bacon bourbon next time..

AmyJean {Relentless Bride®} said...

I would like a bacon bourbon too please, in fact if you had a bacon buffet with the bacon bourbon that'd be even better... :)