Sunday, August 23, 2009

Long time

Time flies when you're not updating your blog. Suddenly it's August and I haven't posted since the beginning of May. At least this way I have a lot of content saved up and ready to discuss. I was distracted for much of the summer by my new favorite easy warm-weather highball, the Paloma. I've also been mixing up a few cocktails using Pom Wonderful pomegranate juice including a tasty pomegranate caiparinha with Leblon cachaca and a Jack Rose with fresh-made grenadine. I celebrated National Rum Day last Sunday with a Ti Punch made with Habitation La Favorite Rhum Agricole Blanc. All that along with mixing up some classics for a Mad Men gathering last weekend has kept me busy. I'll be posting some photos, recipes, and reviews soon. No, really.


Halsey said...

Pom juice is so yummy, great idea.

Sylvie said...

I don't have On Demand Cable anymore so I may need to invite myself to your place for a drink and some Mad Men.